What is Odysee? How to unlock Odysee Videos?

What is Odysee?

Odyssey is a decentralized platform, especially social networks and video platforms, are powered by LBRY, a blockchain-based file-sharing and payment network. Odysee, an open-source video-sharing service that utilizes the LBRY network, was also established by the same people, although it was spun off into its own company as of October 1, 2021.

LBRY-based video services like Odysee are sometimes viewed as decentralized, underground YouTube alternatives. Odysee performs minimal moderation in accordance with community norms, removing from the website videos that contain pornography or advocate for violence or terrorism. Jeremy Kauffman, the CEO of LBRY, is a libertarian activist who was motivated to found the company by a desire to “provide people with choices for content,” an apparent critique of YouTube’s moderation policies.

How to unlock Odysee Videos?

Sometimes creators lock their premium content. If anyone wants to watch the specific content users must have to purchase the video with required credits. 


1. You must have a LBRY/Odysee account

2. You must have enough LBRY credits

First of all open the video that you want to unlock, you can’t watch the video before unlocking the video.

How to get video purchase transaction id?

Click your lbry credit balance from the top of right side corner.

Then you will see your transaction id is available here.

I hope now you understand the process of unlocking the library/odysee video and how to get video purchase transaction id.

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